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What's your approach to ensuring that a jingle or intro works across different platforms, like TV, radio, and social media?

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4.9 (258)
  • Music & Audio


When I’m making a jingle or intro, I tweak the audio for each platform. In Europe, I follow EBU R128 to keep things at -23 LUFS so TV and radio are smooth and no one's cranking the volume. In the U.S., it’s ATSC A/85, which targets -24 LKFS, same idea—consistent levels.

For social media? No strict rules, so I push it louder, like -14 LUFS, to grab attention. Different platforms need different files, but I keep the overall sound solid across the board!

5.0 (229)
  • Film score composer
  • Sound designer


This is quite simple - test it out and mix on those devices. There are also plenty of plugins that help you emulate the room, device, or platform specs needed. Mix across the board - that way you're sure everything sounds as it's supposed to before publishing the work.

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