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How do you manage and organize long recording sessions to maintain narrator performance?

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5.0 (4214)
  • Music & Audio


I'll always be sure to take breaks when I feel my voice starting to get hoarse. It's always good to have a warm drink like a lemon water with you while recording.

After a few pages, I'll always go back and listen and compare to the most recent page I recorded to make sure everything sounds the same, if it doesn't, I'll go back and re-evaluate. If it's simply just my voice wearing out after lots of reading, I'll stop work on it for a few hours and attempt to pick it up again later on in the day to give my voice a break.

Maintaining the same tone after hours and hours of reading is a difficult thing, but ensuring you take the right measures ahead of time to keep your voice healthy, you'll come out successful in the end!

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