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What are the most common mistakes you see in sound design, and how can they be avoided?

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5.0 (313)
  • Music & Audio


A common mistake I see is not being mindful of the context of a scene. If it’s an action-packed fight scene with loud music, your FX will likely be tight, dry and punchy. Whereas a quiet thoughtful scene is likely to require a lot more subtle and nuanced balance of levels, placement and space.

Before diving into the sound design of a scene, I would suggest carefully thinking about what you’re trying to portray and what is the focus. That will help you determine your approach in terms of realism and levels.

5.0 (229)
  • Film score composer
  • Sound designer


Common sound design mistakes include overcrowding the mix, neglecting space and reverb, overprocessing sounds, inconsistency in sound choices, and ignoring the overall mix—these can be avoided by staying mindful of balance, coherence, and the bigger picture.

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