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Automated editing tools vs. manual editing - which provides a better balance of efficiency and artistic control?

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4.8 (248)
  • Video & Animation


In my opinion, automated editing tools might be efficient for basic tasks, but they can never truly deliver the creative control and precision we need. These tools are great for saving time on repetitive jobs like cutting silences or resizing videos, but they lack the ability to make nuanced decisions that align with a specific creative vision. Manual editing, on the other hand, gives me complete freedom to craft each detail exactly how I want. Whether it’s fine-tuning transitions, syncing music perfectly, or experimenting with effects, I know I can create something unique and tailored to the project. Automated tools just don’t have that level of flexibility, and for me the artistic control of manual editing is irreplaceable.

4.9 (233)
  • Video & Animation


I think automated editing tools are currently not in a level to give you proper results in term if quality and efficiency. For example if you use auto subtitling tools online, the can add subtitles for you but mostly you would see that the sentences are cut in the middle and are not completely in sync with the (I would say) emotion of the video.

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