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What role does cultural context play in your process of creating business names and slogans, especially for global brands?

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4.9 (104)
  • Digital marketing strategist


Taking into account the social and linguistic context of any company (or brand) is absolutely essential in defining the brand name, as well as other elements of communication, both verbal and visual.

Every place has its linguistic roots deeply embedded in centuries of history, art, and local culture. Things that are perfectly acceptable in one part of the world might be completely off-limits in another.

This applies not only to concepts or words but also, for example, to the use of colors in a brand’s visual identity.

When it comes to brand names, it’s important to check, for instance, that the name doesn’t sound too similar to local words that might have negative connotations or could be offensive in the target market.

I’ll say it again: a brand name that’s perfect for, say, Canada might be entirely inappropriate in Turkey. Or it could sound friendly and approachable in Italy but come across as obnoxious and disrespectful in Japan.

NEVER take anything for granted. Of course, it’s not always possible to evaluate every linguistic variation. But it’s definitely important to ensure that in the company’s target markets, none of these issues arise.

Another aspect to consider is the domain name. It may be necessary to register a local domain name to optimize certain processes and improve the brand’s positioning in the area: is the domain available, or has it already been registered by someone else who might confuse our customers?

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