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How do cultural differences influence customer care practices in global organizations?

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  • Writing & Translation


Social media has allowed the world to become smaller. Instead of miles we are all just a keystroke away from touching someone on the other side of the world.

Here are some examples of how cultural differences shape customer care:

Communication Style: In the U.S., customers may appreciate direct, concise responses, even if they’re brief. In Japan, however, a more formal and polite approach is often expected.

For example, customer service agents in Japan might begin emails with polite greetings and use more indirect language to soften issues, while in the U.S., a direct, problem-solving tone is often welcomed.

Preferred Contact Channels: In some countries, social media platforms like WhatsApp are popular for customer support, with customers often expecting companies to be accessible there. In other parts of the world however, many customers still prefer email for formal correspondence. Adapting to these preferences makes service feel more familiar and comfortable for customers in different regions.

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