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How do you handle situations where the data tells a different story than the client was expecting? How do you guide them through understanding the implications?

How do you handle situations where the data tells a different story than the client was expecting? How do you guide them through understanding the implications?

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  • Content marketing manager
  • Copywriter


I conduct market validation research for new businesses and startups. Sometimes, the data shows that the idea will not be successful. This can be attributed to the target market, too many competitors, or lack of industry growth. I'm always honest, and I would rather stop someone at this stage early on than have them spend money and time building services or products that could fail. Honesty is always the best policy, and in business, you just have to keep trying. Based on the data, there could be other ways to launch, so I try to give them good advice and encourage them to refine their idea. 

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