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How do you deal with challenges like pagination, infinite scrolling, or lazy loading when scraping data?

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How to Scrape Infinite Scrolling Content with Scrapy:

Step 1: Set Up a Scrapy Scraper with Splash. To start using Splash with Scrapy, install Scrapy-splash using pip.

Step 2: Implement the Scroll and Wait Mechanism.

Step 3: Extract Data From Infinite Scroll Pages.


Challenges in Web Scraping:

  1. Ignoring Web Scraping Legal Issues.
  2. Underestimating Website Structure Changes.
  3. Failing to Manage Scraping Speed.
  4. Overlooking Data Quality.
  5. Handling Pagination and Navigation Incorrectly.
  6. Not Planning for Data Scalability.
  7. Neglecting Error Handling.
  8. Overlooking Anti-Scraping Technologies.


To handle infinite scrolling in Crawler for Python, we just need to make sure the page is loaded, which is done by waiting for the network_idle load state and then using the infinite_scroll helper function which will keep scrolling to the bottom of the page as long as that makes additional items appear.

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  • AI developer
  • Full stack developer
  • Web scraping specialist


To deal with challenges like pagination, infinite scrolling, or lazy loading when scraping data, I use different strategies depending on the situation. For pagination, I identify the next page URL pattern and iterate through the pages by modifying the URL or interacting with page controls. For infinite scrolling, I simulate scrolling actions using tools like Selenium or Playwright, which can trigger the loading of additional content as the page scrolls. In cases of lazy loading, I detect when content is dynamically loaded and use techniques like waiting for specific elements to appear before extracting the data. These methods ensure that I can scrape all the necessary data, even when it's loaded progressively or across multiple pages.

5.0 (699)
  • AI developer
  • Backend developer
  • Web scraping specialist


My primary go-to method for web scraping data from a target website is to check if the website has any API endpoint that it uses to generate the data on its page. Websites that use infinite scroll or lazy loading, often rely on backend API. We can use those APIs directly to query the data and paginate using the same process by analyzing how the pagination system works. 

To access a website, we can either use the requests library (considering Python as the programming language) or other browser-based frameworks such as Selenium/playwright, etc. 

When using the requests library, we mostly rely on API calls, so the browser's developer tools menu and its network tab come in handy to track the ongoing HTTP requests to the website. From there, we can get the request-response cycle information and replicate the same HTTP request in Python.

On the other hand, browser-based automation solely relies on content generation and waiting for elements to load and be available for interaction. We can run some infinite loops waiting for the target element to appear and click on it(for infinite scroll-based pages, automatic scrolling to the bottom at first is a good approach so that every content is loaded first and then extracted). Also, we can handle the element not found exception so that the program doesn't halt till we reach a satisfactory situation. To avoid waiting forever, the loop can be run for a limited iteration and the page can be refreshed if the page becomes unresponsive. 

Between the two types of approaches, API-based web scraping solves the problem efficiently and effectively whereas the browser-based solution is more helpful for websites that have very complex API interactions or are protected with bot system mechanisms. 

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