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What role do Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Select play in your marketing strategy, and how do you decide whether an author should opt in to those programs?

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  • Digital Marketing


Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Select are great ways for authors to reach more readers. When an eBook is in Kindle Select, it’s available on Kindle Unlimited, where subscribers can read it. This increases page reads and royalties for the author.

Kindle Select also offers promotions, like Kindle Countdown Deals and Free Book Promotions, which help get the book noticed and improve its ranking on Amazon. These are useful for authors looking to quickly grow their audience.

However, Kindle Select requires the eBook to be exclusive to Amazon for 90 days. Deciding to join depends on:

• Is the audience mostly on Amazon or Kindle Unlimited?

• Does the genre do well on Kindle Unlimited (e.g., romance or mystery)?

• Are the author’s goals to reach more readers or sell on multiple platforms?

The choice should match the author’s goals and plan.

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