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Describe a video campaign that didn't go as planned but ended up teaching you a valuable lesson.

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4.8 (2411)
  • Mixing & mastering engineer


One campaign I have worked on really stands out to me because it taught me something valuable about communication and setting clear expectations if possible before a client proceeds to place an order. A client ordered my bestselling YouTube Marketing Service expecting their video to “go viral” overnight. While I delivered exactly what I promised on the Gig Page, Organic YouTube Video Promotion including ranking the client's video on Page 1 for search results relevant to their target audience with the scope to significantly enhance the visibility of the client's content, the client argued after I have delivered the order that the result did not lead to their content going viral.

This situation taught me that communication and setting realistic expectations before and/or during working on a client's order is essential to provide the best possible experience for the client and me as a successful freelancer. Now, successfully working on well over 4900 marketing campaigns for happy customers from all around the world, I got a better understanding and a therefore even stronger connection with my customers and better results for them too.

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